Friday, November 16, 2007

Allergy - I'm Allergic To My Cat!

Having a cat allergy came as something of a surprise to me. Growing up, I had many pets - cats, dogs and birds. My family were animal lovers and pets abounded, so being in contact with animals was a daily occurance. No one ever seemed to suffer from a cat allergy or any kind of animal allergy for that matter.

After my teens and my last pet had died, I wasn't in a position to take on another pet for many years. Then, eleven years ago, a friend of a cousin was looking for a home for their last remaining kitten. And so it was that Kira came into my life. This was a cat with attitude (and still is!) and we bonded pretty much immediately. While she was still a kitten, I'd put her in the kitchen overnight with a little cat bed to sleep in and the litter box close by.

As she grew older, I started letting her sleep in the bedroom. It's surprising how relaxing a cat's purring can be in wee small hours.

A little over a year later, when down with the vet getting some supplies, I heard that there was a kitten that needed a home or it would have to be put to sleep. And so, Fritz came home with me that day.

Unfortuately, Kira was less than impressed with this interloper and I had to keep the two separated for several days before an uneasy truce ensued.

They're an odd pair - Kira has attitude, Fritz is much more companionable; what you'd call a "gentle soul". She's still the Queen around the house and occasionally puts Fritz in his place with a right-hook to the face when she feels the need to assert her authority.

As Fritz matured, he also was allowed into the bedroom. Both he and Kira would sleep there during the day and night, as was their want.

We all know that cats are the greatest creature-comfort-seeking animals on the planet and a comfy place to catnap is one of their major concerns. But the place your cat chooses to snooze may not be your first choice. While I didn't mind the cats sleeping on the bed, I did take exception to Fritz's tendency to charge in from the garden and sleep in a basket of warm, freshly dried laundry straight from the dryer.

The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine recently conducted a poll of pet-owners on the sleeping habits of their pets and found that 60% of them sleep in bed with one of the family. Where cats are concerned, there are two potential problems here: one is that, somehow, they manage to take up 90% of the bed and the other has to do with allergies.

I found I had a mild cat allergy when I started producing weird wheezing noises any time I was doing something strenuous. Coughing eased it for a few minutes but it would always return. I figured I'd developed a mild form of asthma, probably due to bad air quality and pollution, so I went to the doctor to have it checked out. After listening to my lungs he asked me one question: "Do you have a cat?"

Well, yes, I did. Two in fact.

"You're allergic to your cats", he intoned.

Then he asked if the cats slept in the bedroom. Of course they did.

"There's your real problem", he said. "What you're allergic to is the dander produced by your cats. When a cat sleeps on your bed, the dander ends up in the sheets and the duvet and you breathe it in deeply at night when you're asleep. Not good. That's what causes your wheeziness. Stop the cats sleeping in your bedroom for two or three weeks and see if that eases your symptoms. If not, you'll probably need to use an inhaler for the rest of your life."

Ok, that last sentence kinda hit me between the eyes. Much as I love my two furballs, I didn't want to suffer a long-lasting health problem that could possibly be avoided.

So why is dander such a problem? It's the layer of dead skin that's rich in animal protein, which is continuously shed by animals. Sebaceous (oil producing) glands in the skin also produce these protein allergens. Male cats have, on average, greater amounts of sebaceous secretions and therefore are more allergenic than female or neutered male cats. This is a result of testosterone hormone effects on sebaceous glands.

So, with that information and the prospect of an enduring health problem, I banned my cats from the bedroom, threw out the duvet (on the advice of the doctor), bought a new one and changed everything on the bed (including getting new pillows). I didn't get too much sleep the first few nights with the cats meowing and scratching on the door to get in but they got used to the idea, finally. After three weeks in a cat free bedroom, my wheeziness had all but disappeared. The cats haven't been allowed back in since.

Should you find yourself with a similar cat allergy problem, banning the cat from your bedroom is one possible course of action. Alternatively, you can get your cat his own cat bed and put that somewhere out of harm's way (yours and the cat's).

Since finding out I was mildly allergic to my cats, I've spoken to other cat owners about it and quite a number also suffer some mild form of allergic reaction - sneezing, wheezing, watering eyes, blocked sinuses and so on. Owners appear to become at least somewhat immune to their own cats insofar as the symptoms are not as pronounced as they become when they're around other people's cats.

But, having said that, none of us would ever part with our feline companions and would exhort others to adopt a cat as a pet, as the benefits far outweigh any minor inconveniences.

Animal dander allergy can significantly contribute to respiratory problems involving the sinuses, nasal passages, and eyes, as well as causing upper respiratory tract problems that can result in asthma (as in my case). These problems can significantly diminish your quality of life despite various medical treatments. For some people, it can be even more serious, leading to recurrent acute asthmatic attacks that can be life threatening, requiring emergency room visits and hospitalizations. The good news is that most people who are allergic to their pets can keep their symptoms under control if they know the facts.

About The Author
? Gary Nugent, 2005. Software engineer, website builder and cat lover Gary Nugent is the editor and owner of - a site that helps you make the best choices to keep your cat healthy, happy and long-lived. Information about cats in general, health issues that can affect them, some of their weird and wonderful behavior patterns and their history. And, not to forget about you...there are a few things on the site to keep cat owners amused as well.

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Allergy - What Are House Dust Allergies?

There are so many people that have been sniffing and sneezing in dusty areas and it is no wonder why. The ingredients that are in house dust can cause an allergic reaction to anyone will include pet and human dander, molds, and even bug waste. Dust in the home can be caused from dust mites that are found in ordinary dust.

The house dust will include microscopic and even spider like creatures that are found in homes around the world. It is mostly found in carpets, mattresses, and upholstered furniture and will love the humid and warm conditions. These dust mites will live off human skin that has been shed. The waste products that are produced by these house dust mites can be very allergenic and can cause an allergic reaction.

Most dust mite will live in carpets because they will provide the best conditions for them. However, some are going to be found in the curtains, furniture and other fabrics around the home. They like to have warmth and need food and humidity to survive. Sometimes you can find the house dust mites in blankets and pillows. Female mites can lay 25 to 50 eggs and has a new generation produced every three weeks. It is very easy to understand why carpets may contain so many of the living and the dead mites.

Controlling house dust mites is important. This will help a person keep the risk of having an allergic reaction to them and keeping a home safe and free from any allergy causing problems. It is important to clean a lot when you are trying to control dust mites. You need to make sure that you are decreasing the chance of having any type of allergic reaction to the mites. The following are a few things that you can do.

* Clean mattresses and pillows all the time. Keep them protected with a dust proof cover as well and use polyester fiberfill pillows.
* Keep your floors clean and make sure that you are pulling up the throw rugs and area carpets for a good washing too. Vacuum thoroughly at least once or twice a week.
* Do not use heavy curtains and Venetian blinds if you can. Use window shade instead if possible.
* Keep blankets washed in hot water once a month at least. Avoid wool and down blankets.
* Give your home a good cleaning at least once a month and a super good cleaning at least twice a year.

These are all good ideas to make your home safe and to keep you from having to take on the challenge of house dust allergies. Your home should be a safe and comfortable place for you to go when you want and by having, it clean and dust free you will feel better.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Allergy - What Are House Dust Allergies?

There are so many people that have been sniffing and sneezing in dusty areas and it is no wonder why. The ingredients that are in house dust can cause an allergic reaction to anyone will include pet and human dander, molds, and even bug waste. Dust in the home can be caused from dust mites that are found in ordinary dust.

The house dust will include microscopic and even spider like creatures that are found in homes around the world. It is mostly found in carpets, mattresses, and upholstered furniture and will love the humid and warm conditions. These dust mites will live off human skin that has been shed. The waste products that are produced by these house dust mites can be very allergenic and can cause an allergic reaction.

Most dust mite will live in carpets because they will provide the best conditions for them. However, some are going to be found in the curtains, furniture and other fabrics around the home. They like to have warmth and need food and humidity to survive. Sometimes you can find the house dust mites in blankets and pillows. Female mites can lay 25 to 50 eggs and has a new generation produced every three weeks. It is very easy to understand why carpets may contain so many of the living and the dead mites.

Controlling house dust mites is important. This will help a person keep the risk of having an allergic reaction to them and keeping a home safe and free from any allergy causing problems. It is important to clean a lot when you are trying to control dust mites. You need to make sure that you are decreasing the chance of having any type of allergic reaction to the mites. The following are a few things that you can do.

* Clean mattresses and pillows all the time. Keep them protected with a dust proof cover as well and use polyester fiberfill pillows.
* Keep your floors clean and make sure that you are pulling up the throw rugs and area carpets for a good washing too. Vacuum thoroughly at least once or twice a week.
* Do not use heavy curtains and Venetian blinds if you can. Use window shade instead if possible.
* Keep blankets washed in hot water once a month at least. Avoid wool and down blankets.
* Give your home a good cleaning at least once a month and a super good cleaning at least twice a year.

These are all good ideas to make your home safe and to keep you from having to take on the challenge of house dust allergies. Your home should be a safe and comfortable place for you to go when you want and by having, it clean and dust free you will feel better.

EXPOSED, At Last! 10 Of The Most Shocking, Proven Methods Anyone Can Adopt To Instantly Diagnose, Treat, And Eliminate Seasonal, Food, AND Common Allergies In An Instant,more I am echo,if more about Allergies,please visit my website:

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Allergy - Food Allergy Versus Food Intolerance

Among the allergies rampant in American lives today, food allergy is one of the top three. However, some people misdiagnose food allergy as food intolerance. There are certain similarities but one must be careful in administering medicines to a person with an allergy.

The wrong medicine for the wrong condition can increase the allergic symptom resulting in anaphylaxis and even death. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction where all the symptoms swiftly attack the entire body all at the same time.

Symptoms Of Food Allergy

Food allergy is an allergic reaction to certain types of food. The most common food allergens are: cow's milk, wheat, peanuts and other tree nuts, eggs, fish, soybeans, shellfish, meat and certain types of drugs. The allergic reaction can vary depending on the type of allergen but they have the same number of symptoms:

- Rashes or hives begins to appear on the skin. In extreme cases, the swelling and hives can spread to the entire body.
- Swelling of the certain areas near the mouth.
- Swelling of the ear
- Redness and itchiness of the eyes.
- Runny nose
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Difficulty in breathing and wheezing, sometime signs of asthma

Food intolerance has much of the same symptoms except the runny nose and watery eyes. Most often, food intolerance results in diarrhea and swelling of certain areas of the body.

Aside for the similarities in symptoms, a food allergy is more severe than food intolerance. Someone with food intolerance can eat small portions of the food he is allergic to. They can still enjoy the food, though in small quantities. But to a person with food allergy, that small portion can immediately trigger an allergic reaction. And if not treated at once, the patients can go into anaphylaxis.

What makes a food allergy more life threatening is because of the immediate threat to the person. Someone with food allergy can have an anaphylactic shock and start to experience the swelling of the throat muscles. This can block the air passage of the person and could result to death.

Another real danger is the sharp drop in the blood pressure of the patient. In this case, the person with food allergy may experience mental confusion and dizziness.

Food Allergy Treatment

A food allergy can be treated as soon as the symptom occurs. For rashes, there are skin creams available to ease the swelling and itchiness. The antihistamines will give relief to symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes and swelling. These medicines can be bought right in the local drugstores and does not require a prescription.

For those who experience the severe food allergy reactions, a dose of epinephrine (adrenaline), either self- injected or given by the doctor can immediately reverse the symptoms. As of now, a shot of epinephrine is the most effective treatment for food allergy and other types of allergies.

Preventing Food Allergy

Although food allergies cannot be prevented, the best way to defeat it is by staying away from the food a person is allergic to. Taking a risk will only cost you more pain in the future. So it is best to see the doctor to get a proper diagnosis and guidelines on what to eat and what not to eat.

Making the right diagnosis on food allergy versus food intolerance can be tricky. It all depends on how severe the allergic reactions are and the number of symptoms that show up on the person when exposed to the food allergen.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Allergy - Food Allergy Versus Food Intolerance

Among the allergies rampant in American lives today, food allergy is one of the top three. However, some people misdiagnose food allergy as food intolerance. There are certain similarities but one must be careful in administering medicines to a person with an allergy.

The wrong medicine for the wrong condition can increase the allergic symptom resulting in anaphylaxis and even death. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction where all the symptoms swiftly attack the entire body all at the same time.

Symptoms Of Food Allergy

Food allergy is an allergic reaction to certain types of food. The most common food allergens are: cow's milk, wheat, peanuts and other tree nuts, eggs, fish, soybeans, shellfish, meat and certain types of drugs. The allergic reaction can vary depending on the type of allergen but they have the same number of symptoms:

- Rashes or hives begins to appear on the skin. In extreme cases, the swelling and hives can spread to the entire body.
- Swelling of the certain areas near the mouth.
- Swelling of the ear
- Redness and itchiness of the eyes.
- Runny nose
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Difficulty in breathing and wheezing, sometime signs of asthma

Food intolerance has much of the same symptoms except the runny nose and watery eyes. Most often, food intolerance results in diarrhea and swelling of certain areas of the body.

Aside for the similarities in symptoms, a food allergy is more severe than food intolerance. Someone with food intolerance can eat small portions of the food he is allergic to. They can still enjoy the food, though in small quantities. But to a person with food allergy, that small portion can immediately trigger an allergic reaction. And if not treated at once, the patients can go into anaphylaxis.

What makes a food allergy more life threatening is because of the immediate threat to the person. Someone with food allergy can have an anaphylactic shock and start to experience the swelling of the throat muscles. This can block the air passage of the person and could result to death.

Another real danger is the sharp drop in the blood pressure of the patient. In this case, the person with food allergy may experience mental confusion and dizziness.

Food Allergy Treatment

A food allergy can be treated as soon as the symptom occurs. For rashes, there are skin creams available to ease the swelling and itchiness. The antihistamines will give relief to symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes and swelling. These medicines can be bought right in the local drugstores and does not require a prescription.

For those who experience the severe food allergy reactions, a dose of epinephrine (adrenaline), either self- injected or given by the doctor can immediately reverse the symptoms. As of now, a shot of epinephrine is the most effective treatment for food allergy and other types of allergies.

Preventing Food Allergy

Although food allergies cannot be prevented, the best way to defeat it is by staying away from the food a person is allergic to. Taking a risk will only cost you more pain in the future. So it is best to see the doctor to get a proper diagnosis and guidelines on what to eat and what not to eat.

Making the right diagnosis on food allergy versus food intolerance can be tricky. It all depends on how severe the allergic reactions are and the number of symptoms that show up on the person when exposed to the food allergen.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Charlene J. Nuble 2006.

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about food allergy, please go to: or go to:

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Allergy -

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Allergy -

Allergy - Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water

I know you've heard this many times - "Drink more water!". Yet, 99% of the people don't heed this advice. Maybe if water was more expensive, people would pay more attention to consume enough of it on a daily basis. We are living in a dehydrated world of carbonated beverages, caffeine and alcohol.

I bet you don't know how important is water for your health, figure and well-being. I didn't know it until I found a book that literally opened my eyes. The book is titled "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj.

Reason 1: Water can cure many modern diseases

According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, a long list of modern diseases can be practically eliminated by just drinking more water. The list includes and is not limited to: asthma, hypertension, back and joint pain, arthritis, constipation, allergies, ulcers and the list goes on and on.

I know it sounds crazy. I have heard many weird health theories in my life, but what interests me is the "results of following this or that advice". The "drink more water cure" has worked for so many of my friends and myself that I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.

I cured myself of a nagging skin allergy. I have much more energy, strength, endurance and sleep much better now.

I have had 100% success curing chronic constipation with my female clients. I don't know a single person that didn't benefit in some way by drinking more water.

Reason 2: Water can decrease your appetite

This is common sense. When you drink water, your stomach gets full and your appetite decreases. You end up eating fewer calories. If you drink water before each meal, you'll prevent yourself from eating thousands of calories in the long run. This means you are going to be leaner.

Reason 3: Drinking water BURNS EXTRA calories

When you drink water, your body burns extra calories. Drinking 18 ounces of water increases your metabolic rate by about 30% for about 40 minutes. This phenomenon is called Water Induced Thermogenesis. The total amount of extra calories burned by drinking 18 ounces of water is about 25 calories. Drinking 72 ounces of water amounts to 100 extra calories. That is a lot of calories in the long run.

Reason 4: Water may help you burn more fat and build more muscle

It has been shown that dehydration decreases protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is what builds muscle. It is an energy costly process. When you suppress protein synthesis, fewer calories end up building proteins and more calories end up in your fat stores. It's elementary: calories have two possible fates - they either get burned, or they get stored. When more of the calories you eat get burned, less will get stored.

Dehydration has been shown to decrease maximal strength. When you are stronger, you can lift more weight and that means you'll build more muscle.

Reason 5: Your skin will look much better

Nothing will improve the appearance of your skin better than consuming enough water. It's a pity women spend so much money on skin products, while neglecting the cheapest and most effective one - water.

How much water should I drink?

Dr. Batmanghelidj's advice is simple: drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of bodyweight plus one and one half additional ounces of water for every ounce of beverage you consume containing caffeine, carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.

As you increase your water intake you should also increase your salt intake. Don't buy the "Sodium causes hypertension nonsense". Restricting Sodium does not help the vast majority of people with hypertension. Clearly, Sodium is not the CAUSE of hypertension. Your body needs Sodium to hold its water stores. Even if you consume more than you need to, your body will get rid of the extra amount that you overconsumed.

Drink your water. Stay well hydrated. Stay healthy.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Allergy - Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water

I know you've heard this many times - "Drink more water!". Yet, 99% of the people don't heed this advice. Maybe if water was more expensive, people would pay more attention to consume enough of it on a daily basis. We are living in a dehydrated world of carbonated beverages, caffeine and alcohol.

I bet you don't know how important is water for your health, figure and well-being. I didn't know it until I found a book that literally opened my eyes. The book is titled "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj.

Reason 1: Water can cure many modern diseases

According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, a long list of modern diseases can be practically eliminated by just drinking more water. The list includes and is not limited to: asthma, hypertension, back and joint pain, arthritis, constipation, allergies, ulcers and the list goes on and on.

I know it sounds crazy. I have heard many weird health theories in my life, but what interests me is the "results of following this or that advice". The "drink more water cure" has worked for so many of my friends and myself that I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.

I cured myself of a nagging skin allergy. I have much more energy, strength, endurance and sleep much better now.

I have had 100% success curing chronic constipation with my female clients. I don't know a single person that didn't benefit in some way by drinking more water.

Reason 2: Water can decrease your appetite

This is common sense. When you drink water, your stomach gets full and your appetite decreases. You end up eating fewer calories. If you drink water before each meal, you'll prevent yourself from eating thousands of calories in the long run. This means you are going to be leaner.

Reason 3: Drinking water BURNS EXTRA calories

When you drink water, your body burns extra calories. Drinking 18 ounces of water increases your metabolic rate by about 30% for about 40 minutes. This phenomenon is called Water Induced Thermogenesis. The total amount of extra calories burned by drinking 18 ounces of water is about 25 calories. Drinking 72 ounces of water amounts to 100 extra calories. That is a lot of calories in the long run.

Reason 4: Water may help you burn more fat and build more muscle

It has been shown that dehydration decreases protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is what builds muscle. It is an energy costly process. When you suppress protein synthesis, fewer calories end up building proteins and more calories end up in your fat stores. It's elementary: calories have two possible fates - they either get burned, or they get stored. When more of the calories you eat get burned, less will get stored.

Dehydration has been shown to decrease maximal strength. When you are stronger, you can lift more weight and that means you'll build more muscle.

Reason 5: Your skin will look much better

Nothing will improve the appearance of your skin better than consuming enough water. It's a pity women spend so much money on skin products, while neglecting the cheapest and most effective one - water.

How much water should I drink?

Dr. Batmanghelidj's advice is simple: drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of bodyweight plus one and one half additional ounces of water for every ounce of beverage you consume containing caffeine, carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.

As you increase your water intake you should also increase your salt intake. Don't buy the "Sodium causes hypertension nonsense". Restricting Sodium does not help the vast majority of people with hypertension. Clearly, Sodium is not the CAUSE of hypertension. Your body needs Sodium to hold its water stores. Even if you consume more than you need to, your body will get rid of the extra amount that you overconsumed.

Drink your water. Stay well hydrated. Stay healthy.

Hristo Hristov owns X3MSoftware, a company specializing in developing diet and fitness tracking software. Hristo has a degree in Computer Science and passion for strength training. Hristo has designed and written Fitness Assistant, X3MSoftware's leading software product. Download your demo at Download Diet Software and Fitness Software by X3MSoftware

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Allergy - How to Test Your Dog for Food Allergies

Does your dog suffer from skin problems and/or scratch constantly? Does he have hot spots or recurring skin infections? He may suffer from dog food allergies. Food allergies can appear in dogs any time in their lifespan, from puppyhood to senior. There are certain food ingredients that tend to be problematic. Among them are dairy products, chicken and chicken eggs, soy, corn, wheat, and even beef.

Conduct a Food Trial
To diagnose your dog's potential food allergies you can conduct a food trial, which means feeding your dog a unique diet for up to 3 months. You will need to feed your dog new foods it has never eaten before, such as venison and oats. Lamb and rice diets used to be prescribed for dogs with potential allergies, but they are no longer considered unique foods. Many commercial lamb and rice dog foods also contain soy, eggs and other allergens.

Special foods are available through your vet or you can make your dog's special diet at home using your vet's recommendations. The special diet must be followed consistently, no other foods allowed including treats or rawhides. Continue with the diet until you see marked improvement in your dog's symptoms. Then go back to his regular diet. If symptoms return, then you know your dog is allergic to one or more ingredients in his regular food.

Food Allergy Treatment
Once you have confirmed your dog has a food allergy, you will need to continue with the special diet. If you are not sure which ingredient of the old food is causing the allergy, you could try a home made diet and add back in one of the potential allergens, such as soy. Until you narrow down the exact foods your dog is a allergic to. Then you can either keep your dog on the special diet or try a commercial dog food that does not contain the problem ingredients.

Because symptoms can be similar with airborne allergies such as dust and mold as well as flea-bite allergies, it is important to test and eliminate them as suspects first.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Allergy - How to Test Your Dog for Food Allergies

Does your dog suffer from skin problems and/or scratch constantly? Does he have hot spots or recurring skin infections? He may suffer from dog food allergies. Food allergies can appear in dogs any time in their lifespan, from puppyhood to senior. There are certain food ingredients that tend to be problematic. Among them are dairy products, chicken and chicken eggs, soy, corn, wheat, and even beef.

Conduct a Food Trial
To diagnose your dog's potential food allergies you can conduct a food trial, which means feeding your dog a unique diet for up to 3 months. You will need to feed your dog new foods it has never eaten before, such as venison and oats. Lamb and rice diets used to be prescribed for dogs with potential allergies, but they are no longer considered unique foods. Many commercial lamb and rice dog foods also contain soy, eggs and other allergens.

Special foods are available through your vet or you can make your dog's special diet at home using your vet's recommendations. The special diet must be followed consistently, no other foods allowed including treats or rawhides. Continue with the diet until you see marked improvement in your dog's symptoms. Then go back to his regular diet. If symptoms return, then you know your dog is allergic to one or more ingredients in his regular food.

Food Allergy Treatment
Once you have confirmed your dog has a food allergy, you will need to continue with the special diet. If you are not sure which ingredient of the old food is causing the allergy, you could try a home made diet and add back in one of the potential allergens, such as soy. Until you narrow down the exact foods your dog is a allergic to. Then you can either keep your dog on the special diet or try a commercial dog food that does not contain the problem ingredients.

Because symptoms can be similar with airborne allergies such as dust and mold as well as flea-bite allergies, it is important to test and eliminate them as suspects first.

Valerie Goettsch is web master of a website featuring dozens of articles and information on dog names and breeds and where to find the best of everything for your dog, from flea meds to beds and crates, training books and videos and dog clothes.

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Allergy - Allergies

Allergies are caused by allergens which contain protein, which is found in all living organisms, and it is this protein which causes allergies. If your body reacts to a substance in an adverse way then you are said to be allergic to that substance.

Four of the most common allergies are; dust mites, nuts, pollen and animal (pet).

An allergic reaction happens when you come in contact with an allergen through your skin, the lining of your lungs, mouth, gullet, stomach or intestines. Allergic reactions can cause a range of symptoms, some mild, some serious and very occasionally fatal.

If the allergen is airborne then the allergic reaction will occur in the eyes, nose & lungs. If the allergen is swallowed, the allergic reaction will occur in the mouth, stomach & intestines. When in contact with an allergen your body produces chemicals (antibodies) to fight off the allergen. Sometimes enough chemicals are released to cause a reaction throughout the body such as hives, decreased blood pressure, shock or loss of consciousness. This severe type of reaction is known as anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock which may be life threatening.

In the US 20% of adults and children suffer from allergies. In the UK approx 1 in 4 people suffer from allergies at some point in their lives. In Australia there has been a dramatic increase in allergies recently with an estimated 40% now suffering from some form of allergy.

The best & easiest way to prevent allergies is to avoid contact with the allergen - the substance which triggers your allergy. There are many OTC (over the counter) treatment for allergies the most common being:

Antihistamines; These treat allergies by blocking the action of the chemical histamine, which is a chemical released by the body when in contact with the allergen. Antihistamines can be taken in pill, cream or liquid form. You can also take eye or nasal drops.

Decongestants; Relieve symptoms of allergies such as blocked noses, often caused by hay fever, dust & pet allergies. They can be taken as pills, capsules, liquid form or nasal spray.

Nasal Sprays & Eye drops; these help relieve symptoms of allergies such as sore itchy eyes & irritation & swelling of the nose. Some treatments are only suitable for adults so check before purchasing remedies for children.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Allergy - Allergies

Allergies are caused by allergens which contain protein, which is found in all living organisms, and it is this protein which causes allergies. If your body reacts to a substance in an adverse way then you are said to be allergic to that substance.

Four of the most common allergies are; dust mites, nuts, pollen and animal (pet).

An allergic reaction happens when you come in contact with an allergen through your skin, the lining of your lungs, mouth, gullet, stomach or intestines. Allergic reactions can cause a range of symptoms, some mild, some serious and very occasionally fatal.

If the allergen is airborne then the allergic reaction will occur in the eyes, nose & lungs. If the allergen is swallowed, the allergic reaction will occur in the mouth, stomach & intestines. When in contact with an allergen your body produces chemicals (antibodies) to fight off the allergen. Sometimes enough chemicals are released to cause a reaction throughout the body such as hives, decreased blood pressure, shock or loss of consciousness. This severe type of reaction is known as anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock which may be life threatening.

In the US 20% of adults and children suffer from allergies. In the UK approx 1 in 4 people suffer from allergies at some point in their lives. In Australia there has been a dramatic increase in allergies recently with an estimated 40% now suffering from some form of allergy.

The best & easiest way to prevent allergies is to avoid contact with the allergen - the substance which triggers your allergy. There are many OTC (over the counter) treatment for allergies the most common being:

Antihistamines; These treat allergies by blocking the action of the chemical histamine, which is a chemical released by the body when in contact with the allergen. Antihistamines can be taken in pill, cream or liquid form. You can also take eye or nasal drops.

Decongestants; Relieve symptoms of allergies such as blocked noses, often caused by hay fever, dust & pet allergies. They can be taken as pills, capsules, liquid form or nasal spray.

Nasal Sprays & Eye drops; these help relieve symptoms of allergies such as sore itchy eyes & irritation & swelling of the nose. Some treatments are only suitable for adults so check before purchasing remedies for children.

John Mac is author & owner of a website aimed at providing help & information for people looking to improve their fitness, diet & health & for information about allergies

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Allergy - Dust Away Dust Allergy

Dust allergy is one of the most common forms of allergy reported or recorded not just in the United States, but around the world.

Because dusts are everywhere, the occurrence of dust allergy is almost always inevitable and its number is rapidly increasing.

Dust allergy is usually taking the form of the most common allergic reaction known to and experienced by humans --- asthma. Dust allergy does not exist or is not recognized independently in the medical world.

It is usually accompanied by asthma, an allergic reaction that characterized by the narrowing of the airway passage in the human respiratory system.

Why dust allergy is so prevalent

Dust allergy is so prevalent because dusts are everywhere. Dusts are very tiny and miniscule particles consisting of small molecules of soil or other substances.

Dusts are easily carried through the air and the wind because of its very light and significantly feather-like weight. It is this attribute of dusts that make it very dangerous and threatening to humans.

Because in almost all dry places there are dusts, people are practically living in a world full of dusts. Logically, the situation would not be ideal and optimal for people who have developed an immune resistance to the particles.

A very big and significant portion of the population in the United States alone suffer or at least have suffered from dust allergy and dust allergy attacks.

Because dust allergies are not diseases, but rather just mere and simple body reflex reaction against dusts that try to get into the body, many people underestimate dust allergy's potential to pose serious health risk.

Symptoms of dust allergy

Symptoms of dust allergy are very easy to identify and determine. First, because dusts are substances that do not naturally get into the body, the immune system try to block its entry through constricting the air passages, where dusts usually get in.

The constricting movement of the air passages make up for the uneasiness to breathe. Thus, asthmatics find it really hard to inhale breathe during asthma attacks.

To some very sensitive people, uneasy breathing is also coupled with the development of skin rashes and itchiness around the body.

Fever is not a usual symptom to dust allergy, but if a dust allergy occurs and fever appears, there must be something wrong. Fever indicate the presence of pathogens or living organisms trying to invade the body.

Hence, fever in dust allergy attacks indicate that complications are present, usually diseases caused by either viruses or bacteria. The occurrence of such fever indicates that proper medical treatment and consultation from a doctor is imperative.

Treatment and prevention of dust allergy

Like any other form of allergies, dust allergy is treated by taking in proper and effective dosages of antihistamines. Antihistamines are especially formulated medicines or drugs that contain chemicals and enzymes in exact amounts to curtail and control onset dust allergy or other allergies.

Exposure to dust, the primary proponent and cause of dust allergy, will also be the most basic and most effective treatment. Remember that medications like antihistamines would never be really potent and efficient if exposure to dust is not eliminated or significantly reduced.

Dust allergy will also be effectively avoided by reducing exposure to dust. Cleanliness of surroundings and personal hygiene would greatly help to avoid the occurrence of dust allergy.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Allergy - Dust Away Dust Allergy

Dust allergy is one of the most common forms of allergy reported or recorded not just in the United States, but around the world.

Because dusts are everywhere, the occurrence of dust allergy is almost always inevitable and its number is rapidly increasing.

Dust allergy is usually taking the form of the most common allergic reaction known to and experienced by humans --- asthma. Dust allergy does not exist or is not recognized independently in the medical world.

It is usually accompanied by asthma, an allergic reaction that characterized by the narrowing of the airway passage in the human respiratory system.

Why dust allergy is so prevalent

Dust allergy is so prevalent because dusts are everywhere. Dusts are very tiny and miniscule particles consisting of small molecules of soil or other substances.

Dusts are easily carried through the air and the wind because of its very light and significantly feather-like weight. It is this attribute of dusts that make it very dangerous and threatening to humans.

Because in almost all dry places there are dusts, people are practically living in a world full of dusts. Logically, the situation would not be ideal and optimal for people who have developed an immune resistance to the particles.

A very big and significant portion of the population in the United States alone suffer or at least have suffered from dust allergy and dust allergy attacks.

Because dust allergies are not diseases, but rather just mere and simple body reflex reaction against dusts that try to get into the body, many people underestimate dust allergy's potential to pose serious health risk.

Symptoms of dust allergy

Symptoms of dust allergy are very easy to identify and determine. First, because dusts are substances that do not naturally get into the body, the immune system try to block its entry through constricting the air passages, where dusts usually get in.

The constricting movement of the air passages make up for the uneasiness to breathe. Thus, asthmatics find it really hard to inhale breathe during asthma attacks.

To some very sensitive people, uneasy breathing is also coupled with the development of skin rashes and itchiness around the body.

Fever is not a usual symptom to dust allergy, but if a dust allergy occurs and fever appears, there must be something wrong. Fever indicate the presence of pathogens or living organisms trying to invade the body.

Hence, fever in dust allergy attacks indicate that complications are present, usually diseases caused by either viruses or bacteria. The occurrence of such fever indicates that proper medical treatment and consultation from a doctor is imperative.

Treatment and prevention of dust allergy

Like any other form of allergies, dust allergy is treated by taking in proper and effective dosages of antihistamines. Antihistamines are especially formulated medicines or drugs that contain chemicals and enzymes in exact amounts to curtail and control onset dust allergy or other allergies.

Exposure to dust, the primary proponent and cause of dust allergy, will also be the most basic and most effective treatment. Remember that medications like antihistamines would never be really potent and efficient if exposure to dust is not eliminated or significantly reduced.

Dust allergy will also be effectively avoided by reducing exposure to dust. Cleanliness of surroundings and personal hygiene would greatly help to avoid the occurrence of dust allergy.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Charlene J. Nuble 2006.

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about dust allergy, please go to: or go to: and

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Allergy - Finding an Allergy Treatment that Works

Spring time is usually a happy time for most of us, except to some unfortunate people. We love the spring because the sun is out, it is warming up, and the birds are all around us, singing happily to pass the day away. However, those who suffer from allergic reactions cannot share our happiness. You see, spring can be a miserable time of wheezing, sneezing, coughing, and constant discomfort for allergy sufferers.

If you suffer from allergies, then you need to you have the proper allergy treatment. Now, the type of allergy treatment that is right for you depends on a number of factors that you should discuss with your doctor. You should not delay your visit to your doctor because the treatments can last for several weeks or even months. It would be smart to start treating your allergic reactions as soon as possible.

Antihistamine is the most common allergy treatment. Claritin which is one of the most common antihistamines, used to be available only by prescription. Fortunately, it has become available over the counter to treat allergies. Many people found it to be an allergy treatment that effectively treats their symptoms.

There are a variety of nasal allergy treatments that are effective for relieving swelling and discomfort in the nose and sinuses. The problem with these treatments is that many of them have side effects. You should consider a more comprehensive allergy treatment if you suffer from bad allergic reactions.

There also several steps that can help you deal with your allergies. For instance, making sure that your house is clean is a very good idea if you have allergies. You should clean out the refrigerator and check it for mold. Do the same thing for the bathroom, and any other room which may harbor dirt, dust, or fungus.

Preventing the inhalation of allergens is the most effective allergy treatment. After all, these allergens trigger the allergic reaction in the first place. You may have to do a lot of dusting, washing, vacuuming and sweeping every single day of the week to keep your home free from these allergens.

Allergy - Finding an Allergy Treatment that Works

Spring time is usually a happy time for most of us, except to some unfortunate people. We love the spring because the sun is out, it is warming up, and the birds are all around us, singing happily to pass the day away. However, those who suffer from allergic reactions cannot share our happiness. You see, spring can be a miserable time of wheezing, sneezing, coughing, and constant discomfort for allergy sufferers.

If you suffer from allergies, then you need to you have the proper allergy treatment. Now, the type of allergy treatment that is right for you depends on a number of factors that you should discuss with your doctor. You should not delay your visit to your doctor because the treatments can last for several weeks or even months. It would be smart to start treating your allergic reactions as soon as possible.

Antihistamine is the most common allergy treatment. Claritin which is one of the most common antihistamines, used to be available only by prescription. Fortunately, it has become available over the counter to treat allergies. Many people found it to be an allergy treatment that effectively treats their symptoms.

There are a variety of nasal allergy treatments that are effective for relieving swelling and discomfort in the nose and sinuses. The problem with these treatments is that many of them have side effects. You should consider a more comprehensive allergy treatment if you suffer from bad allergic reactions.

There also several steps that can help you deal with your allergies. For instance, making sure that your house is clean is a very good idea if you have allergies. You should clean out the refrigerator and check it for mold. Do the same thing for the bathroom, and any other room which may harbor dirt, dust, or fungus.

Preventing the inhalation of allergens is the most effective allergy treatment. After all, these allergens trigger the allergic reaction in the first place. You may have to do a lot of dusting, washing, vacuuming and sweeping every single day of the week to keep your home free from these allergens.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Allergy Treatment. Visit our site for more helpful information about Natural Allergy Treatment and other similar topics.

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Allergy - Allergy Asthma: Can You Live A Healthy Life?

Most people with allergy asthma know that when the pollen starts falling, things are going to get a little crazy. People with this condition have asthma that is triggered by pollen and particles floating around in the air. There isn't much you can do about this during this time of year but take your allergy medication, and also the inhaler that you may use to control your asthma.

When you have this condition you may notice that you get it during certain times of the year, and that it may have different triggers. Pollen is not the only allergy asthma trigger. There are also other known triggers associated with this condition. You can be allergic to everyday dust found in your house. You could also have problems with mold in the air or even on foods. There are also many other things you can encounter in your everyday life that could trigger you allergy asthma. Allergy Asthma is not something that should be taken lightly as it could quickly develop into a life threatening situation. If you do not find out what triggers your asthma, you could inadvertently walk right into a death trap.

Asthma is something that will never go away. It would also be very hard to keep the dust and pollen out of your life as well so you may ask what you can do about it then. If this person is you, you need to get to a doctor and see if he or she has any suggestions on how to control it. The doctor will most likely prescribe a medication that will help control the attacks. Sometimes after being on the medication for awhile you will never have an attack again. If you can get the medicine you will be able to control it.

You don't have to suffer because it is allergy season. You can control your asthma and still be able to enjoy the great outdoors. If the attacks prove to be that bad, you can ask for a stronger medicine that you can take twice a day to prevent attacks. You can also get an inhaler that you can take once a day, or at the beginning of attacks and feel better in a matter of minutes. The trick is to figure out if it is allergy asthma you have, so you can fix the problem.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Allergy - Allergy Asthma: Can You Live A Healthy Life?

Most people with allergy asthma know that when the pollen starts falling, things are going to get a little crazy. People with this condition have asthma that is triggered by pollen and particles floating around in the air. There isn't much you can do about this during this time of year but take your allergy medication, and also the inhaler that you may use to control your asthma.

When you have this condition you may notice that you get it during certain times of the year, and that it may have different triggers. Pollen is not the only allergy asthma trigger. There are also other known triggers associated with this condition. You can be allergic to everyday dust found in your house. You could also have problems with mold in the air or even on foods. There are also many other things you can encounter in your everyday life that could trigger you allergy asthma. Allergy Asthma is not something that should be taken lightly as it could quickly develop into a life threatening situation. If you do not find out what triggers your asthma, you could inadvertently walk right into a death trap.

Asthma is something that will never go away. It would also be very hard to keep the dust and pollen out of your life as well so you may ask what you can do about it then. If this person is you, you need to get to a doctor and see if he or she has any suggestions on how to control it. The doctor will most likely prescribe a medication that will help control the attacks. Sometimes after being on the medication for awhile you will never have an attack again. If you can get the medicine you will be able to control it.

You don't have to suffer because it is allergy season. You can control your asthma and still be able to enjoy the great outdoors. If the attacks prove to be that bad, you can ask for a stronger medicine that you can take twice a day to prevent attacks. You can also get an inhaler that you can take once a day, or at the beginning of attacks and feel better in a matter of minutes. The trick is to figure out if it is allergy asthma you have, so you can fix the problem.

Discover the facts about Allergy Asthma at

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Allergy - Charge Up With an Ionic Air Cleaner!

Similar to an ozone cleaner, an ionic air purifier also uses an electrical charge to alter oxygen atoms in the air. There is often confusion between ionic air cleaners and ozone air purifiers. The main advantage of the former is that an ionic air cleaner will not only clear your home of odors and mildew, but also purge your air of dust and pollen.

What are ion air cleaners, exactly, and how well do they work? The theory behind an ionic air purifier will take you back to your days in science class in high school. Most common household pollutants carry a positive charge. These are too light to settle on the ground or furniture, where they can be vacuumed or cleaned. They float about freely in the air that we breathe in our homes. What an ionic air cleaner does, is that it negatively charges the air particles in the room. Now, if you remember some high school science, you know that a positive charge and negative charge when brought close together will experience a magnetic attraction. And voila! As soon as the positively charged pollutant collides with the negatively charged anion, they bond together, becoming too heavy to remain airborne, and sink to the floor. Thus they are out of harm's way and can no longer be inhaled. Regular vacuuming and dusting can get rid of these particles.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, if properly used, these ionizers can lessen the amount of airborne dust in the room by over 50% and also diminish the airborne bacteria by 95%.

As compared to HEPA air filters, people who are concerned about noise pollution in their homes may prefer air ionizers as they are generally silent. HEPA air purifiers make more noise as they use a motorized fan to circulate the air to purify it. Ionic air purifiers, on the other hand, send out the ions or activated oxygen to purify the air, and hence are usually silent. Also, another advantage ionizers have over other purifiers is that its parts do not need regular replacement, as there are no physical filters. Even though most air ionizers don't have a motorized fan, the ionization creates a faint breeze that helps to distribute the ions throughout a room. Some are also outfitted with screens or prongs that catch the particles of dust as they fall to the ground.

Positive endorsements for the ionizer have come from many quarters. In an epidemiological study, it was found that repeated airborne infections of the bacteria acinetobacter in an ICU ward was totally wiped out with the installation of a negative air ionizer. Through the year long study, the infection rate fell to zero, disinfecting the air and thereby stopping the transmission of the infection.

Thus, keeping in mind your concern over noise, reliability and cost of purchase and maintenance, a low-cost ionic air purifier is a reasonably wise purchase.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Allergy - Charge Up With an Ionic Air Cleaner!

Similar to an ozone cleaner, an ionic air purifier also uses an electrical charge to alter oxygen atoms in the air. There is often confusion between ionic air cleaners and ozone air purifiers. The main advantage of the former is that an ionic air cleaner will not only clear your home of odors and mildew, but also purge your air of dust and pollen.

What are ion air cleaners, exactly, and how well do they work? The theory behind an ionic air purifier will take you back to your days in science class in high school. Most common household pollutants carry a positive charge. These are too light to settle on the ground or furniture, where they can be vacuumed or cleaned. They float about freely in the air that we breathe in our homes. What an ionic air cleaner does, is that it negatively charges the air particles in the room. Now, if you remember some high school science, you know that a positive charge and negative charge when brought close together will experience a magnetic attraction. And voila! As soon as the positively charged pollutant collides with the negatively charged anion, they bond together, becoming too heavy to remain airborne, and sink to the floor. Thus they are out of harm's way and can no longer be inhaled. Regular vacuuming and dusting can get rid of these particles.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, if properly used, these ionizers can lessen the amount of airborne dust in the room by over 50% and also diminish the airborne bacteria by 95%.

As compared to HEPA air filters, people who are concerned about noise pollution in their homes may prefer air ionizers as they are generally silent. HEPA air purifiers make more noise as they use a motorized fan to circulate the air to purify it. Ionic air purifiers, on the other hand, send out the ions or activated oxygen to purify the air, and hence are usually silent. Also, another advantage ionizers have over other purifiers is that its parts do not need regular replacement, as there are no physical filters. Even though most air ionizers don't have a motorized fan, the ionization creates a faint breeze that helps to distribute the ions throughout a room. Some are also outfitted with screens or prongs that catch the particles of dust as they fall to the ground.

Positive endorsements for the ionizer have come from many quarters. In an epidemiological study, it was found that repeated airborne infections of the bacteria acinetobacter in an ICU ward was totally wiped out with the installation of a negative air ionizer. Through the year long study, the infection rate fell to zero, disinfecting the air and thereby stopping the transmission of the infection.

Thus, keeping in mind your concern over noise, reliability and cost of purchase and maintenance, a low-cost ionic air purifier is a reasonably wise purchase.

Jack Smith writes about various topics. This article is free to re-print as long as nothing is changed, all links remained intact, the bio remains in full and the rel="nofollow" tag is not added to any of the links. Thank-you - Please visit

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Allergy - What Are the Main Allergy Symptoms?

The symptoms play an important role in the diagnosis of every disease in this world. In this particular case, knowing what the allergy symptoms are is the fact that determines people to look for medical advice. The tests that are performed during the diagnosis help the doctor to realize the connection between the symptoms and a certain disease. In the diagnosis of allergy, the main problem is not whether the patient is allergic or not. Instead, doctors try to find out what allergen has caused the allergic reaction.

The allergy symptoms are generic. In other words, the symptoms of a certain type of allergy do not differ from the ones of another type. In addition, the signs that are believed to be allergy symptoms may indicate another health problem. This is why the diagnosis is so important. In order to diagnose allergy, doctors usually perform two tests: a blood test and a skin test. Prior to performing the tests, people may confuse these symptoms to the ones of cold. However, there are some elements that help people to make a distinction between these two health conditions. First, the cause of the symptoms is different, as cold is provoked by viruses while allergy is determined by allergens. Next, the duration differs, as the cold is cured after a period of time that ranges from 2 to 14 days. Allergies may be observed even for a few months, if they are provoked by allergens that are present only during certain seasons. In addition, the treatment and the prevention methods are different between cold and allergy.

First of all, people must know what determines the allergy symptoms to appear. When exposed to an allergen, the immune system sets free histamine into the body. This is a chemical substance that is supposed to fight the presumed intruders. As soon as this chemical substance is released into the body, the allergic reaction is triggered and the allergy symptoms become visible.

The main allergy symptom, and also one of the first to be observed, is the itch of the skin. The intensity may not increase, but the duration of this allergy symptom is equal to the exposure time to the allergens. The itch usually affects the nose, too. In addition, people may experience stuffed nose and watery eyes. Furthermore, the respiratory tract is affected in most types of allergy, while food allergies affect the gastrointestinal tract. Regarding the respiratory tract, the allergy symptoms include lung congestion, cough and wheezing. In rather seldom cases, people may also experience allergy asthma.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Allergy - What Are the Main Allergy Symptoms?

The symptoms play an important role in the diagnosis of every disease in this world. In this particular case, knowing what the allergy symptoms are is the fact that determines people to look for medical advice. The tests that are performed during the diagnosis help the doctor to realize the connection between the symptoms and a certain disease. In the diagnosis of allergy, the main problem is not whether the patient is allergic or not. Instead, doctors try to find out what allergen has caused the allergic reaction.

The allergy symptoms are generic. In other words, the symptoms of a certain type of allergy do not differ from the ones of another type. In addition, the signs that are believed to be allergy symptoms may indicate another health problem. This is why the diagnosis is so important. In order to diagnose allergy, doctors usually perform two tests: a blood test and a skin test. Prior to performing the tests, people may confuse these symptoms to the ones of cold. However, there are some elements that help people to make a distinction between these two health conditions. First, the cause of the symptoms is different, as cold is provoked by viruses while allergy is determined by allergens. Next, the duration differs, as the cold is cured after a period of time that ranges from 2 to 14 days. Allergies may be observed even for a few months, if they are provoked by allergens that are present only during certain seasons. In addition, the treatment and the prevention methods are different between cold and allergy.

First of all, people must know what determines the allergy symptoms to appear. When exposed to an allergen, the immune system sets free histamine into the body. This is a chemical substance that is supposed to fight the presumed intruders. As soon as this chemical substance is released into the body, the allergic reaction is triggered and the allergy symptoms become visible.

The main allergy symptom, and also one of the first to be observed, is the itch of the skin. The intensity may not increase, but the duration of this allergy symptom is equal to the exposure time to the allergens. The itch usually affects the nose, too. In addition, people may experience stuffed nose and watery eyes. Furthermore, the respiratory tract is affected in most types of allergy, while food allergies affect the gastrointestinal tract. Regarding the respiratory tract, the allergy symptoms include lung congestion, cough and wheezing. In rather seldom cases, people may also experience allergy asthma.

Lawrence Shanks is a webmaster who has a series of websites dedicated to niche marketing, In particular the focus is on these annoying things that affect so many of us with blocked noses, runny eyes and constant sneezing and/or scratching. Summer is wonderful, but it brings it's share of problems to those of us who suffer from allergies. For more information go to I need to go now as I am about to sneeze again!!!

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Allergy - What To Do When Perfumes Make You Sick

Aromatherapy has never been more popular. Scented candles are everywhere and there are dozens of types of fragrant air sprays. A recent study in a dermatological journal reported that the scent of sandalwood really does promote a physical response, namely, relaxation. Another marketing study found that people spend more money when they are exposed to the scent of lavender. Yet there are people who find that all of this stuff in the air objectionable. Perfume and perfumed products really do make some people sick.

However, for some people, scents provoke symptoms. About 1% of the population is allergic to fragrance and many more find fragrance irritating.

To a doctor, there is a difference between an allergen and an irritant. To a person who suffers a rash, hives, runny nose, or headache in the presence of scented products, the biggest distinction is that allergies are likely to respond to medication. There isn't much you can do about an irritant other than avoid it.

Patch testing can help identify the vast majority (about 75%) of offending fragrances. Doctors who treat people with fragrance allergies can tell you that there are really only about eight substances in the fragrance world that cause the lion's share of the problems.

However, even if you can identify the substance that causes problems, it is not always possible to avoid it.

Most perfumes are composed of a mixture of scents that are not printed on the labels. Perfumers jealousy guard their trade secrets, and the exact components of a specific perfume are never listed anywhere (except possibly on a piece of paper in a vault somewhere). So even if you know you are allergic to a substance called geraniol (a common perfume substance that smells like roses), it may be hard to know where it is.

It's also a reason why some fragrances may bother you and others do not.

However, the world of fragrance is much bigger than the perfume industry. Today, fragrances are everywhere.

They are commonly used in a wide range of household products from detergents to soaps, deodorants to lotions, toothpaste to tissues. Although not widely known, many foods also use fragrance to enhance their taste. Thus, you can find fragrance in baked goods, chewing gum, and soft drinks, to name just a few products.

Another fragrance on the "most irritating" list is isoeugenol, which smells faintly like cloves and spices. It's used in dental cement!

And based on that lavender study, many department stores and trade shows are experimenting with "scented environments" for shopping. Conventions and trade shows nowadays sometimes pay for services to pump the air with fragrance to help stimulate business. The scents are usually pretty subtle.

People with known allergies to fragrance are advised to avoid fragrance, which can be tough. Labeling on products can confuse as much as help!

When a product calls itself "unscented," it means that it has no perceptible fragrance. Do not assume, however, that no fragrance-type substances were involved! It just means that if you were to put the product up to your nose, you would not smell anything. Some unscented products actually use fragrance to cover up the product's natural scent. That is, fragrance is sometimes used as camouflage. So you don't smell a thing, but the product may still irritate you.

"Fragrance-free" products are more likely to be free of fragrance additives. In the business, scent means smell and fragrance means a substance. An unscented product can use fragrance and a fragrance-free product may have a distinct smell! (For instance, freshly ground coffee is fragrance free, but it has a natural aroma.)

Because a product has no fragrance added does not mean that chemicals used in its manufacture are not the cause of irritation. Many cosmetic and cleaning products are manufactured using things like acetone, ethanol, and other chemicals that can irritate. Thus, even fragrance-free products can produce an irritation.

What can you do if you find some fragrances make you sick? If you are able to pick out which specific scents or products (such as a brand of perfume) bother you, you can avoid them as much as possible. Though not always possible, that is the easiest solution.

I once worked with a lady who asked that her staff not wear a particular brand of perfume. Everything else was fine, but one perfume in particular gave her a headache.

If you have a real fragrance allergy (and you may need to go to a doctor to be sure), you may be able to take allergy pills or even get allergy therapy (shots to help bolster tolerance) to help you. Here's a completely unscientific poor woman's allergy test: if your eyes or nose itch, it's more likely to be an allergy. If your eyes water and your nose runs but you don't feel any itching sensation, you are probably dealing with an irritant rather than an allergen. This test is not foolproof, but it gives you a starting point.

If irritating substances seem to be everywhere, you can create an allergy-free space in your home by using HEPA filters for your heating and cooling system, using a HEPA-type vacuum cleaner, and possibly getting HEPA air purifiers for within room. These will filter out most particulate matter from the air.

While you're at it, you should probably try to have carpeting, drapery, and even upholstered furniture traded out for stuff that won't harbor irritating particles in the air.

What to do if you're married or work with a perfume lover? Very politely inform the perfume wearer that you're having problems with the scent. Unlike a sweater, perfume cannot simply be removed on the spot. As much as possible, move away from the perfumed person. Most fragrance fans will be very understanding about your situation and will avoid wearing scent when they are going to be around you.

If you want to be very generous with the perfume lover in your life, you may want to talk to them about "sampling" some different scents. Many people with perfume allergies are actually not allergic to all perfumes but only a few. There may be a compromise you can work out. If everything the perfume fan likes makes you sneeze and wheeze, maybe you can negotiate a cease-spritz.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Allergy - What To Do When Perfumes Make You Sick

Aromatherapy has never been more popular. Scented candles are everywhere and there are dozens of types of fragrant air sprays. A recent study in a dermatological journal reported that the scent of sandalwood really does promote a physical response, namely, relaxation. Another marketing study found that people spend more money when they are exposed to the scent of lavender. Yet there are people who find that all of this stuff in the air objectionable. Perfume and perfumed products really do make some people sick.

However, for some people, scents provoke symptoms. About 1% of the population is allergic to fragrance and many more find fragrance irritating.

To a doctor, there is a difference between an allergen and an irritant. To a person who suffers a rash, hives, runny nose, or headache in the presence of scented products, the biggest distinction is that allergies are likely to respond to medication. There isn't much you can do about an irritant other than avoid it.

Patch testing can help identify the vast majority (about 75%) of offending fragrances. Doctors who treat people with fragrance allergies can tell you that there are really only about eight substances in the fragrance world that cause the lion's share of the problems.

However, even if you can identify the substance that causes problems, it is not always possible to avoid it.

Most perfumes are composed of a mixture of scents that are not printed on the labels. Perfumers jealousy guard their trade secrets, and the exact components of a specific perfume are never listed anywhere (except possibly on a piece of paper in a vault somewhere). So even if you know you are allergic to a substance called geraniol (a common perfume substance that smells like roses), it may be hard to know where it is.

It's also a reason why some fragrances may bother you and others do not.

However, the world of fragrance is much bigger than the perfume industry. Today, fragrances are everywhere.

They are commonly used in a wide range of household products from detergents to soaps, deodorants to lotions, toothpaste to tissues. Although not widely known, many foods also use fragrance to enhance their taste. Thus, you can find fragrance in baked goods, chewing gum, and soft drinks, to name just a few products.

Another fragrance on the "most irritating" list is isoeugenol, which smells faintly like cloves and spices. It's used in dental cement!

And based on that lavender study, many department stores and trade shows are experimenting with "scented environments" for shopping. Conventions and trade shows nowadays sometimes pay for services to pump the air with fragrance to help stimulate business. The scents are usually pretty subtle.

People with known allergies to fragrance are advised to avoid fragrance, which can be tough. Labeling on products can confuse as much as help!

When a product calls itself "unscented," it means that it has no perceptible fragrance. Do not assume, however, that no fragrance-type substances were involved! It just means that if you were to put the product up to your nose, you would not smell anything. Some unscented products actually use fragrance to cover up the product's natural scent. That is, fragrance is sometimes used as camouflage. So you don't smell a thing, but the product may still irritate you.

"Fragrance-free" products are more likely to be free of fragrance additives. In the business, scent means smell and fragrance means a substance. An unscented product can use fragrance and a fragrance-free product may have a distinct smell! (For instance, freshly ground coffee is fragrance free, but it has a natural aroma.)

Because a product has no fragrance added does not mean that chemicals used in its manufacture are not the cause of irritation. Many cosmetic and cleaning products are manufactured using things like acetone, ethanol, and other chemicals that can irritate. Thus, even fragrance-free products can produce an irritation.

What can you do if you find some fragrances make you sick? If you are able to pick out which specific scents or products (such as a brand of perfume) bother you, you can avoid them as much as possible. Though not always possible, that is the easiest solution.

I once worked with a lady who asked that her staff not wear a particular brand of perfume. Everything else was fine, but one perfume in particular gave her a headache.

If you have a real fragrance allergy (and you may need to go to a doctor to be sure), you may be able to take allergy pills or even get allergy therapy (shots to help bolster tolerance) to help you. Here's a completely unscientific poor woman's allergy test: if your eyes or nose itch, it's more likely to be an allergy. If your eyes water and your nose runs but you don't feel any itching sensation, you are probably dealing with an irritant rather than an allergen. This test is not foolproof, but it gives you a starting point.

If irritating substances seem to be everywhere, you can create an allergy-free space in your home by using HEPA filters for your heating and cooling system, using a HEPA-type vacuum cleaner, and possibly getting HEPA air purifiers for within room. These will filter out most particulate matter from the air.

While you're at it, you should probably try to have carpeting, drapery, and even upholstered furniture traded out for stuff that won't harbor irritating particles in the air.

What to do if you're married or work with a perfume lover? Very politely inform the perfume wearer that you're having problems with the scent. Unlike a sweater, perfume cannot simply be removed on the spot. As much as possible, move away from the perfumed person. Most fragrance fans will be very understanding about your situation and will avoid wearing scent when they are going to be around you.

If you want to be very generous with the perfume lover in your life, you may want to talk to them about "sampling" some different scents. Many people with perfume allergies are actually not allergic to all perfumes but only a few. There may be a compromise you can work out. If everything the perfume fan likes makes you sneeze and wheeze, maybe you can negotiate a cease-spritz.

Joanna McLaughlin is a freelance writer who has allergies but has figured out how to life the scented life anyway. To learn more about fragrance and perfumes, visit

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Allergy - Cleaning for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

Tickles in the throat, sneezing, coughing, yep - allergy season is here again.

My daughter recently had a bout with asthma. The strange thing is, she hadn't had any problems for a couple of years. In looking at the possible triggers - She had a new batch of puppies at her dad's. While the 2 dogs didn't seem to bother her, the addional puppies seemed to put her over the edge.

To make matters worse, since we hadn't had problems for a

couple of years, I had become lax in some of the cleaning that I would have done when she had problems every year.

Once I realized what her problem was, I immediately started cleaning for asthma. That means thoroughly vacuuming walls, behind furniture, matresses, pillows, upholstery, screens, and vents, and dusting every crevice- including things like behind the tv and stereo inside the cabinet, the backs of furniture.

I normally dust the ceiling fans and blinds, but if you kinda skip those, you need to pay more attention especially if you have any allergies or asthma in your home. Otherwise those blades are just spreading the dust around the room.

A quick carpet clean and changing air filters and furnace filters finishes up the cleaning job.

You also want to change your hand towels everyday, just in case it is a virus triggering the response.

If you have pets, keep them clean and brushed, and their living areas cleaned. Keep pets out of the bedrooms of affected people.

The things that typically trigger asthma is actually pretty long-

House dust mites found in carpeting, mattresses, bed linens, toys, upholstered furniture, dampness, poor ventilation, unvented cooking, humidifiers

Animal-derived allergens from dogs, cats, rodents, and birds.

Mold found in carpeting, walls, and windows, caused by leaks, poor ventialtion, water damage, or dampness.

Nitrogen oxides produced by space heaters or gas-fueled cooking stove, used with poor ventilation.

Wood Smoke from backyard pits, or wood stoves or fireplaces, used with poor ventilation, or faulty equipment causing fumes to come back into the room.

Fumes from cleaners, aerosols- like hairsprays, perfumes and even air fresheners, pesticides, formaldehyde found in some older household products.

Viral respiratory infections - exposure to infected people

Endotoxins from bacteria growing in soil, humidifiers, and other moist places.

Cockroach allergen

Tobacco smoke

Excess weight.

If there is one thing you can do to minimize allergy or asthma suffering- it is to become a vacuuming fanatic. The more you get into that bag, the less you have floating around in the air. It's healthier, and you'll have less dusting to do in the long run. Now you can breathe easier!

Allergy - Cleaning for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

Tickles in the throat, sneezing, coughing, yep - allergy season is here again.

My daughter recently had a bout with asthma. The strange thing is, she hadn't had any problems for a couple of years. In looking at the possible triggers - She had a new batch of puppies at her dad's. While the 2 dogs didn't seem to bother her, the addional puppies seemed to put her over the edge.

To make matters worse, since we hadn't had problems for a

couple of years, I had become lax in some of the cleaning that I would have done when she had problems every year.

Once I realized what her problem was, I immediately started cleaning for asthma. That means thoroughly vacuuming walls, behind furniture, matresses, pillows, upholstery, screens, and vents, and dusting every crevice- including things like behind the tv and stereo inside the cabinet, the backs of furniture.

I normally dust the ceiling fans and blinds, but if you kinda skip those, you need to pay more attention especially if you have any allergies or asthma in your home. Otherwise those blades are just spreading the dust around the room.

A quick carpet clean and changing air filters and furnace filters finishes up the cleaning job.

You also want to change your hand towels everyday, just in case it is a virus triggering the response.

If you have pets, keep them clean and brushed, and their living areas cleaned. Keep pets out of the bedrooms of affected people.

The things that typically trigger asthma is actually pretty long-

House dust mites found in carpeting, mattresses, bed linens, toys, upholstered furniture, dampness, poor ventilation, unvented cooking, humidifiers

Animal-derived allergens from dogs, cats, rodents, and birds.

Mold found in carpeting, walls, and windows, caused by leaks, poor ventialtion, water damage, or dampness.

Nitrogen oxides produced by space heaters or gas-fueled cooking stove, used with poor ventilation.

Wood Smoke from backyard pits, or wood stoves or fireplaces, used with poor ventilation, or faulty equipment causing fumes to come back into the room.

Fumes from cleaners, aerosols- like hairsprays, perfumes and even air fresheners, pesticides, formaldehyde found in some older household products.

Viral respiratory infections - exposure to infected people

Endotoxins from bacteria growing in soil, humidifiers, and other moist places.

Cockroach allergen

Tobacco smoke

Excess weight.

If there is one thing you can do to minimize allergy or asthma suffering- it is to become a vacuuming fanatic. The more you get into that bag, the less you have floating around in the air. It's healthier, and you'll have less dusting to do in the long run. Now you can breathe easier!

Carole is the author of "Secret Confessions of a Clean Freak". If you love a really clean home, but Hate to clean it, you'll want her handbook of secrets for your very own. You can get it here -

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Allergy - React to Chemical Additives: Hypnosis to Treat Allergies to Environmental Toxins

Allergies and Immune System Disorders: Part 2

The first article of this four part series describes the vast array of immune system diseases which are a growing pandemic in our society today. It also outlines three potential causes for this pandemic within our civilization. Within these next articles each cause will be explored in depth, and strategies of treatment using modern hypnotherapy techniques will be described. This article will describe the way our bodies often over-react to chemicals in our environment and in our food, and how hypnosis can be used to change these reactions.

There can be little doubt that our bodies are assaulted every day with a wide variety of chemicals that have not existed at all for the last million years of our evolution as a species. Chemical pesticides, fertilizers, genetically engineered DNA, antibiotics and hormones fed to industrially raised animals are present in nearly all the foods we eat. In addition, processed foods contain such toxic additives as refined sugar, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.

Try as we may to eat organic it is very difficult to protect ourselves completely against these additives. Even the way we process and store food introduces toxic chemicals and alters the vitamins and proteins in food. Frying in hot oils and the use of transfatty acids in processed foods like margarine are just a couple of examples of this. Likewise, the air we breathe and the water we drink are contaminated with innumerable chemical agents. Quite apart from human activity, the natural world is filled with molds, mildews, bacteria, and other substances which have toxic properties. I certainly recommend that we do our best to eliminate these elements from our lives. But often our body's reaction to these chemicals is far out of proportion to the real dangers they represent. When this happens doctors would say that we are "allergic" to these substances. These allergic reactions may incapacitate us with far greater efficiency than these chemicals on their own could ever do in the tiny doses to which we are exposed.

An obvious example is the bee sting. While a bee sting's venom is a serious toxin, fatal to anyone in large enough doses, most of us experience a sting as a brief, if painful, nuisance. But to some individuals, this sting is a death sentence without radical medical intervention. The immune system goes into full Battle mode against this perceived threat, which can cause death by asphyxiation in a few minutes in a response called "anaphylactic shock". To a much lesser extent our immune system can cause ugly symptoms in response to such mild toxins as the smell of gasoline, dust, molds, animal dander, and the proteins in such foods as corn and wheat. I myself once reacted very strongly to all of the above mentioned toxins in a debilitating condition called "environmental sensitivity", a condition which led to frequent bouts of chronic fatigue, as well as sinus congestion, headaches and asthma.

So how do hypnotic techniques help us combat these conditions? First, we must understand that the source of these reactions is within the subconscious mind. It is NOT the chemicals themselves that are doing this to us. It is the immune system's response that is the problem. After all (I used to grumble to myself) many people can live in moldy houses or smell gasoline without being affected in any way. Once this is accepted we can see that hypnosis, the primary strategy for accessing subconscious programming, MUST be a part of any long term solution to this condition. The alternative is symptom suppression with drugs. We must convince the client's subconscious mind in hypnosis that this particular toxin is simply not a threat to the body in the tiny doses that the body is experiencing. We do this by building positive associations in subconscious memory to the smell or taste of these substances, because it is the taste and smell of these things, even subconsciously perceived, which triggers these reactions.

Let me illustrate this with an example. A client was experiencing an unexpectedly severe asthmatic reaction to the smell of a new carpet in his home, a carpet which was out gassing industrial solvents including formaldehyde. In a hypnotic state I had him access the peculiar smell with his hypnotically enhanced imagination, a process referred to as "olfactory hallucination". This process must be accompanied by reassurances that the client's body will not react to this smell in any way. Otherwise, this hallucination has been known to trigger an allergic response in the hypnotized subject. We failed to find any negative memory associated with this smell. Apparently the body just, understandably, found it toxic. I then spoke to his subconscious mind. I told it that this smell was quite safe, that from now on this smell would always remind him of the beauty and pleasure of his beautiful new home, of which he was quite proud, and the new loving wife who shared that home with him. I built up these joyous feelings while he continued at my instruction to breathe in the smell of new carpets, which is now, I suggested, the smell of happiness and romance and a safe home. In one session, his allergic reaction was gone.

Another client who loved cats found herself allergic to them, with strong sinus congestion, burning and sneezing. We discovered in trance that her subconscious mind associated the cat odor, a smell which she was consciously unaware of, with traumatic events from her childhood, connected to a critical mother, in a house with cats. First, we used olfactory hallucination to follow this scent back to what it was "...your nose remembers about this smell that you have forgotten." After rescuing her inner child from these memories of abuse, she found a new home in her imagination with a very safe and loving and affectionate new mother - who had cats, of course. I then encouraged her to breathe in this wonderful smell of cats in the context of this safety and love.

"Now breathe into every part of your body this wonderful smell of love. Notice how good it feels." Then I anchored this new response to the client's daily experience of cats in this way: "Now, every time your subconscious mind smells the wonderful aroma of cats, your body remembers this wonderful new mother, and how much love and safety she offers." After one session she found herself able to eliminate these allergic responses simply by remembering to call in this vision of her inner mother every time she felt her symptoms begin.

Usually one session with a responsive subject is enough to deal effectively with one specific allergen, especially if the client is willing to practice feeling these new feelings and recalling these new memories on their own. (Alas, patients with mental disorders or organic brain disease make poor subjects for this type of work.) Multiple sessions are of course required for a large number of allergies. For food allergies we can follow the taste, hypnotically induced and magnified into a "gustatory hallucination" into the time when this taste brought with it something unpleasant. While the conscious mind has no recollection of these "triggering events", the subconscious mind can recall them readily in a good subject. This process often requires the transformation of memories through the rescue and nurturing of the inner child in order to find resolution.