Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Allergy - What Are House Dust Allergies?

There are so many people that have been sniffing and sneezing in dusty areas and it is no wonder why. The ingredients that are in house dust can cause an allergic reaction to anyone will include pet and human dander, molds, and even bug waste. Dust in the home can be caused from dust mites that are found in ordinary dust.

The house dust will include microscopic and even spider like creatures that are found in homes around the world. It is mostly found in carpets, mattresses, and upholstered furniture and will love the humid and warm conditions. These dust mites will live off human skin that has been shed. The waste products that are produced by these house dust mites can be very allergenic and can cause an allergic reaction.

Most dust mite will live in carpets because they will provide the best conditions for them. However, some are going to be found in the curtains, furniture and other fabrics around the home. They like to have warmth and need food and humidity to survive. Sometimes you can find the house dust mites in blankets and pillows. Female mites can lay 25 to 50 eggs and has a new generation produced every three weeks. It is very easy to understand why carpets may contain so many of the living and the dead mites.

Controlling house dust mites is important. This will help a person keep the risk of having an allergic reaction to them and keeping a home safe and free from any allergy causing problems. It is important to clean a lot when you are trying to control dust mites. You need to make sure that you are decreasing the chance of having any type of allergic reaction to the mites. The following are a few things that you can do.

* Clean mattresses and pillows all the time. Keep them protected with a dust proof cover as well and use polyester fiberfill pillows.
* Keep your floors clean and make sure that you are pulling up the throw rugs and area carpets for a good washing too. Vacuum thoroughly at least once or twice a week.
* Do not use heavy curtains and Venetian blinds if you can. Use window shade instead if possible.
* Keep blankets washed in hot water once a month at least. Avoid wool and down blankets.
* Give your home a good cleaning at least once a month and a super good cleaning at least twice a year.

These are all good ideas to make your home safe and to keep you from having to take on the challenge of house dust allergies. Your home should be a safe and comfortable place for you to go when you want and by having, it clean and dust free you will feel better.

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Allergy - Food Allergy Versus Food Intolerance

Among the allergies rampant in American lives today, food allergy is one of the top three. However, some people misdiagnose food allergy as food intolerance. There are certain similarities but one must be careful in administering medicines to a person with an allergy.

The wrong medicine for the wrong condition can increase the allergic symptom resulting in anaphylaxis and even death. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction where all the symptoms swiftly attack the entire body all at the same time.

Symptoms Of Food Allergy

Food allergy is an allergic reaction to certain types of food. The most common food allergens are: cow's milk, wheat, peanuts and other tree nuts, eggs, fish, soybeans, shellfish, meat and certain types of drugs. The allergic reaction can vary depending on the type of allergen but they have the same number of symptoms:

- Rashes or hives begins to appear on the skin. In extreme cases, the swelling and hives can spread to the entire body.
- Swelling of the certain areas near the mouth.
- Swelling of the ear
- Redness and itchiness of the eyes.
- Runny nose
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Difficulty in breathing and wheezing, sometime signs of asthma

Food intolerance has much of the same symptoms except the runny nose and watery eyes. Most often, food intolerance results in diarrhea and swelling of certain areas of the body.

Aside for the similarities in symptoms, a food allergy is more severe than food intolerance. Someone with food intolerance can eat small portions of the food he is allergic to. They can still enjoy the food, though in small quantities. But to a person with food allergy, that small portion can immediately trigger an allergic reaction. And if not treated at once, the patients can go into anaphylaxis.

What makes a food allergy more life threatening is because of the immediate threat to the person. Someone with food allergy can have an anaphylactic shock and start to experience the swelling of the throat muscles. This can block the air passage of the person and could result to death.

Another real danger is the sharp drop in the blood pressure of the patient. In this case, the person with food allergy may experience mental confusion and dizziness.

Food Allergy Treatment

A food allergy can be treated as soon as the symptom occurs. For rashes, there are skin creams available to ease the swelling and itchiness. The antihistamines will give relief to symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes and swelling. These medicines can be bought right in the local drugstores and does not require a prescription.

For those who experience the severe food allergy reactions, a dose of epinephrine (adrenaline), either self- injected or given by the doctor can immediately reverse the symptoms. As of now, a shot of epinephrine is the most effective treatment for food allergy and other types of allergies.

Preventing Food Allergy

Although food allergies cannot be prevented, the best way to defeat it is by staying away from the food a person is allergic to. Taking a risk will only cost you more pain in the future. So it is best to see the doctor to get a proper diagnosis and guidelines on what to eat and what not to eat.

Making the right diagnosis on food allergy versus food intolerance can be tricky. It all depends on how severe the allergic reactions are and the number of symptoms that show up on the person when exposed to the food allergen.

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